Evoking Alchemy, LLC ™ was founded for individuals and groups seeking growth, balance, wholeness and mastery in themselves, in their work and relationships —in all aspects of their lives. We offer training programs, coaching and clinics that are based fundamentally on human energetics, and understanding, regulating and empowering ourselves energetically. Human development towards personal mastery goes beyond the work body, mind, spirit, emotions. We must also embrace and enact the wisdom and practices of the energetics of human being.
The name, Evoking Alchemy™ describes the purpose of our work:
To be an evocative catalyst for deep, sustainable, structural change toward embodying and expressing the unfolding perfection and full capacities of human being —the transmutation of our ideas, concepts and habits of self toward the true and full expression of our essential nature.
Healing, wholeness and mastery are elements of the work that support the alchemical process. We heal the wounds of our experience not to purge them from our bodies and psyches but to transmute their effects toward balance and clarity. That healing serves the continual process of living in wholeness which is a process of profound self-discovery and reunion with the depths of our being —recovery of the soul. Mastery is the process of igniting the innate and ever-present wisdom that resides in each of us. It is also the development of practices and habits that support the realization and full expression of our wisdom and our gifts in this life, on this planet, at this time. In this work we go beyond the keystones of body, mind, spirit, emotions and build on the cornerstone of energetics.
Visit our Programs page for descriptions of our current program offerings including:
- Dynamic Equilibrium™ – A Series of Trainings in Energetics and Mastery
- Integrated Reiki™ Levels One and Two
- Integrated Reiki™ Levels Three and Master One
- Private Integrated Healing & Wellness Sessions™
- Calming Hands, Courageous Hearts™
- Empowerment through Energetics Programs
We also work with individuals and groups to design programs that meet their unique circumstances and needs.